Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do I do for college Financial Aid if I have an International Parent

What do I do for college Financial Aid if I have an International Parent?
I am an Alabama resident college student. I'm having trouble filling out my FAFSA online. My mother lives in Germany; she has a US Social Security Number. My father is from the US, but he will not fill-out his income tax information for 2007. I am trying to apply for aid without being labeled as an international student. What can I do to complete my FAFSA without breaking the law?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
How or where your parents live has nothing to do with you being labeled "International". To fill out the FAFSA, if your parents are still presenting themselves as a married couple and your mother earns an income in Germany you have to convert her income to US Dollars and answer the appropriate questions. If your mother is in Germany because your parents are separated, you do not need her information. For your father-if he is not filing taxes but is required by the IRS to file, sorry, you cannot apply for aid. If he is not filing because he is not required to by the IRS, report his income on the FAFSA where appropriate. Where your parents lives has no effect on your aid.

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